The Journey...
In 2009, I was asked to speak to a group of high school students about the fact that God wants more for their life than they even want but themselves. When I was speaking to them kept thinking, "What about me God? I want more from my life then the daily treadmill but I feel like I'm walking."
Four months later, the Lord asked me to do something simple, but difficult. He asked me to simply obey, to give away something that was precious to me. We fought about it for hours until I finally heard His quiet voice deep within my spirit, "So what you're telling Me is that you love this object more than Me." It was a simple thing, a blanket that I had carried around from country to country as I had traveled to different parts of the world. God wanted me to give it to somebody who needed it more than I did. In the moment of that simple act of obedience my friend looked at me and said, "The Lord has something greater planned for you." Within two hours, I was asked if I would be willing to go to Russia in January 2010 with Debbi Bryson.
At the time, I was teaching and did not know how I would be able to get 10 days out of the classroom. Plus, why Russia of all the places in the world. I grew up during Cold War Era, and the thought of going to Russia scared me. But she asked me if I would be willing to just ask the Lord if I'm supposed to go. I prayed about it and the Lord gave me Revelations 3:8, "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." Within a few days, I asked my boss if I could take time out of the classroom in order to go to Russia. He agreed.
In January 2010, I found myself in Moscow, Russia working with students from an orphanage and being part of a woman's conference for the women of Russia. While I was there, I asked The Lord, "Why? Why am I here. You could've used anybody to be in this place and do these things," but I didn't realize that in that moment, in that time, He was placing within me the desire to do what he called me to do.... To take my singleness and demonstrate God's love for women. I didn't realize it until after I had come home.
A few short months after returning home, I found myself speaking to women at a single women's conference that our church asked me to put on as well as beginning a single women's Bible study. It was during that time that the Lord placed something more my heart, and I began to write... to listen to His voice, to take His words, and to share his heart for women. It was out of that desire that the Heavenly Husband emails were born.
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